Sunday, November 23, 2014



Because we all worked for dad, we all had our own spending money.  When Jimmy first became a cub scout he got Boys Life and in the back of the magazine there were advertisements.  You could order stuff COD which meant you paid when it was delivered.  He ordered two monkeys from Boys Life.  It probably cost about $10.  A couple of days before it was delivered, Jimmy gave the money to  mom and told her he had a delivery coming.  When the box came,  mom asked what it was and they said monkeys.  They were little squirrel monkeys.  We thought they'd been cooped up in the crate so we figured they would want to get out and play.  So we took them out of the crate and we could not get them back in.  They were running wild so we were trying to catch them.  They sort of scratched so we covered ourselves in thick quilts and chased them.  After that Jimmy got them a better cage and we had them a couple of years.

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